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Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by Frame Per Second (FPS)?

FPS (frames per second) measures how frequently a picture, view of a video game, or other content appears on your screen. It is expressed as a number (unit Hertz). Frame per second is a primary factor for almost every game out there. The higher the frame rate, the smoother your game will be. For example, if you have 144Hz games, a PC that can render up to 144 fps will give you a great gaming experience with no lagging or skipping. This test is helpful if you want to know whether your computer can run games or apps at top performance. The frame rate also depends on how well your hardware’s drivers and software work together.

What is the ideal FPS rate that the eye can see?

It is recommended to have 60 fps for an optimal gaming experience with no lagging or skipping, but the human eye doesn’t see all frames at once. The human eye can only see up to 20–30 frames per second, and 60 is the highest frame rate that can be considered perfect for any game.

Which is better- Higher or Lower FPS?

Higher FPS will be smoother and will help you play the game better. On the other hand, if your FPS is too low, the game will look choppy and slow and will not be enjoyable. The higher your FPS is, the smoother the gameplay. Smooth gameplay will give you an edge in rapid actions and fast-paced games where every second counts, making players comfortable to play in such scenarios.

Is 60 FPS good for gaming?

In today’s era, 60 FPS is a standard benchmark. However, you won’t be able to play games using these numbers, as the scores will not count correctly and result in lagging. The best way to know whether your system can run at 60 FPS is to check the fps counter in the game. Keep in mind that it is hard to maintain a reasonable frame rate unless you are using custom hardware.

How low is the FPS?

The perfect FPS for gamers depends on the type of game and the performance required for smooth play. The lower your FPS is, the more you will notice an improvement in gameplay with very little loss of FPS. It leads to lags and stuttering. This test shows the difference between low, medium, and high FPS. Each step lower in fps will give you a better gameplay experience but will not feel as smooth as 60 fps. Higher is not always better.